oh hey there...



You hold the keys to the Conscious Manifester within you. It’s time for you to walk through!

A 6-Month Personalized, Curated Experience PLUS a Community of Learning, Coaching and Integration

Registration open

Does this sound like you?

  • You’ve been on the personal growth and leadership development journey for a while yet you’ve reached a plateau and know that you have more to accomplish

  • You’ve done both mindset work and dabbled in energy work to grow, heal and expand yet there are many more opportunities and experiences you want to draw into your life.

  • You can feel the heaviness of the energy of yourself and others around you and know its blocking you but you don't know what to do about it.

  • You understand the larger idea of manifestation but do not know how to implement it in your life consistently.

  • You are open to new ideas and modalities to help you manifest the life of your dreams with effortlessly and with ease.

imagine this...

The key is understanding the links between your internal energy system, your vibrational aura and your manifestation power.

If you want something different, you have to do something different.

It starts with recognizing that YOU have the answers within YOU.



You’ve done the mindset work which is foundational and will continue to play an integral part of your growth. But mindset work takes longer to identify, eliminate and create new patterns. And it’s not just about the mind. When the mind settles down, you must allow your body to take over.



Your body becomes the source in guiding us to overcome self-imposed limitations and manifest at the highest levels. Deeper subconscious work will help move energy where subconscious blocks held in your physical body need to be removed. Energetic work identifies and eliminates those subconscious blocks, limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviors more efficiently.



Your astrological birth chart is your UNIQUE soul’s blueprint for reaching your highest potential (your natal promise). Harnessing both your personal astrology & the cosmic frequency surrounding you will accelerate your manifesting power. You’ll be able to tap into divine opportunities & have line of sight into potential challenging periods of time.

Kind words from clients

“I love being strategic in all the balancing acts of life, and working with my personal astrology and energy helps me make sense of things. I now understand understand the behavior of others, my emotional reactions, when to focus on different areas of my life, and the more I learn the more I feel connected and empowered”.

-Dr. Julie Allen

"Working with Barbara, I quickly regained my energy and my drive. She was able to enlighten my path that gave me so much understanding to what I was going through. am so happy to say that I am totally back on track, physically and energetically and my business is thriving."

-Moneek Morais, Life Transformation Expert – Essenergia

think about this...

You hold the keys to the Conscious Manifester within you.

Inside, you will unlock these three doorways below:


Doorway to Energy

KEY #1: There is a direct link between your internal energetic frequency & your manifestation power. Maintaining high vibrational aura at all times requires going beyond the mindset & deep subconscious work.


Doorway to Alignment

KEY #2: Divine opportunities are waiting for you at the right moment. Prosperity arrives when you align with your purpose and true authentic self.


Doorway to Integration

KEY #3: Unlocking your creative power, intuition and greatest potential is a wholistic process that involves integration of the mind, body and soul UNIQUE to you.

it doesn't have to be hard...

Learn how to manifest your deepest desires more effortlessly all while being at ease

Through this 6-month experience, you will...

  • Clarify your vision and focus for the life you were meant to live

  • Become deeply aligned with your sense of purpose

  • Step into your true, authentic self so that you can lead yourself and others powerfully, confidently and compassionately

  • Cultivate your intuitive abilities to guide in your decision-making for the greater good of your family, team and your business/organization

  • Develop unwaivering clarity and confidence in the actions you need to take to produce visible results in your outer world

  • Gather and maintain your own stamina and vitality (physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally) to meet your own needs and the needs of others

  • Maintain high vibrational aura to increase your manifestation power while weathering the stress and difficulties faced in day-to day challenges


A 6-Month Personalized and Curated Experience

PLUS a Community of Learning, Coaching and Integration.

Now is the time to harness and embody these practices through the entire Taurus 6 month cycle: New Moon in May to Full Moon in November 2024.

*Limited Availability Due to High Touch, One-on-One Experience

Here's what included:

Personalized Curated Plan

Tap into the combined expertise of Barbara Alexander and Faryl Moore, accelerating your ability to take inspired action on your UNIQUE journey with clarity, confidence and courage.

Private Coaching & Healing

One-on-one sessions each with Barbara and Faryl for coaching and healing; astrological alignment; and energetic cleansing and maintenance.

Group Learning & Coaching

Weekly teaching, coaching, guest experts and collaboration within a community of like-minded individuals to help you establish a consistent practice of embodying manifestation as a way of being.

get your sneak peek...

Here's how it all breaks down

When you are deeply aligned to your authentic self, take action from a place of inner knowing, and you are energetically aligned, physical manifestations come more effortlessly and with more ease.

Personalized & Curated Manifestation Planning

  • Onboarding session with Barbara and Faryl to outline your individual goals and


  • Review of your astrological birth chart to highlight your natural strengths and

talents as well as blinds spots, challenges and patterns that may be holding you


  • Understand where the cosmic energies are aligned to attract and manifest your

goals as well as line of sight into upcoming interferences to clear ahead of time

  • Energetic assessment giving you keen insights in your energetic system and healing progress as we go

  • Meet with Barbara and Faryl during Month 3 and Month 6 for midpoint check in and end of program review

Private Coaching and Healing Sessions

  • One-on-one sessions once per month each with Barbara and Faryl to review, re-energize and stabilize your manifestation plan

  • Monthly astrological review and energetic tune ups

  • Midpoint recalibration and end of program review (2 sessions) with both Faryl and Barbara

Group Coaching & Learning

  • Bi-Weekly Live Group Coaching, Teaching, and Integration sessions including guest experts with monthly themed topics for embodying your manifestations in your life, business and career.

Some of the topics include:

-Stability, Self-Worth and Material Wealth

-Communication, Growth and Learning

-Nurturing, Home and Family

-Courage, Creativity and Fun

-Health, Wellness, Productivity and Organization

-Relationships, Balance and Harmony

-Transformation, Power and Shadow Work

  • Collective cosmic energy forecasts to harness opportunities for healing, growth

and expansion

  • Group healing and meditative practices aligned with the collective cosmic energy

  • Pop Up and Tag Me Coaching

Kind words from clients

"I have a whole new perspective on health and the body's ability to heal."

Sharri F.

oh hello,

I'm Barbara Alexander!

I coach leaders through the most direct, clearest path to their next-level purpose, prosperity, and limitless success. I left my 25-year corporate leadership career in search of my own purpose and passion after reaching the many milestones of external measures of success. Today, I am fulfilling my vision and creating the impact I was born to make. I combine my world-class coaching certifications in Neuro Identity Evolution and Natal and Business Astrology to guide visionary leaders through their one-of-a-kind, life-changing roadmap to deep fulfillment, freedom, and authenticity. If you’re a woman who isn’t satisfied with society’s path for you and are ready to push your limits in a space of acceptance and belonging, you’re in the right place.

oh hey there,

I'm Faryl Moore!

I am a Certified Professional Pranic Healer and a Certified Energetic Neuro-Identity Evolution Coach with over 20 years experience. I help to ease the path for women to embody their authentic voice and fullest potential. My work helps to access the deep energetic shifts necessary to improve and transform physical, emotional, and mental health exponentially. I specialize in elevating energetic resonance and frequency, so my clients can realize optimum wellness and holistic success.

frequently asked questions

You've got Q's? We've got A's.


We start June 6th, 2024 and this special space will last for 6 months - can't wait to see you inside!


Refunds are not offered once you sign up for the program.  You have the option of Pay in Full or 6 payments of $ 1275.00. You will be automatically billed each month for the payment plan option


Following your purchase, you will receive a confirmation email and invoice. Sit back, relax, and await further instructions to book your sessions and join our community group and Membership site.


You will book your initial 1:1 onboarding 1:1 session with Barbara and Faryl within 24-48 hours of

enrollment. Your monthly sessions will be booked individually with them upon completion of your

first Onboarding session. You can book all 6 sessions in advance for convenience of securing the



Yes, so you never have to worry about missing anything if a conflict comes up.


Yes absolutely - we want this to be an easy yes for you!


The program fee is in USD. Please check the currency conversion on xe.com, keeping in mind that

your bank will convert it into your local currency.


Bi-weekly live group calls will be conducted on Zoom. The first will be on June 6th at 1:00 EDT and scheduled every other Thursday at 1:00 EDT through early December. If circumstances change and a bi-weekly call needs to move to another date and time, you will be notified ahead We will provide a schedule upon opening the community. If you can’t make a live session, rest assured all calls will be recorded for viewing at your convenience.

it's your turn to join...

A 6-Month Personalized and Curated Experience PLUS a Community of Learning, Coaching and Integration!

*Limited Availability Due to High Touch, One to One Experience

  • Individualized Curated Plan

  • One-On-One Coaching, Healing and Re-Calibration Sessions   

  • Live Group Coaching, Teaching, Healings, Meditations, Guest Experts and Integration Session

  • Collective Astrological Energy Forecasts

  • Pop Up and Tag Me Coaching   

  • Access to Recorded Sessions and Library of Material



Get Access now and save $150


6 X $1275

6 easy monthly payments.

If you've still got questions for us or want to chat, please email us anytime!

We'd love the chance to chat further, no pressure, we promise.